Hello and welcome to Financial Feats! My name is Andee and I’m so glad you’re here.
I am a mother and a wife who loves to be outdoors, cooking, listening to a good audiobook, and having movie nights with my family. I left my corporate job to be a full-time caretaker for my baby while pursuing other passions on the side- blogging, recipe developing, and managing ads for small wellness businesses.
My studies and work experience are in the exercise, health and wellness realm. I’ve been surprised to find that financial health is rarely covered in this field despite the research indicating that financial health is inherently tied to our physical and mental health. I created this blog to share resources that can help people better their current financial situations and enhance their financial well-being.
Here at Financial Feats you can read about how to save money, frugal living, mindset, work from home jobs, how to earn extra income, budgeting, investing and various other financial topics worth understanding.
I am excited to embark on this quest for optimal financial health and success with you and hope you find my site helpful!